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Sexual Wellness

Sexual intimacy is an important aspect of every human, this may be jeopardized when there is poor sexual performance. When men suffer from erectile dysfunction, it affects their quality of life and may contribute to relationship issues between them and their spouse. Similarly, women loose interest in sexual activities due to vaginal dryness and decreased vaginal sensitivity or general vaginal changes. These changes could also affect the bladder causing stress or urinary incontinence. Amazingly, these problems can be addressed in the best natural way. The patient's own blood is the recipe to this treatment. A one time injection using PRP can dramatically improve a person's sexual life up to18 months and more.

Naked Hug

What is Female Intimate Shot ?

The Female Intimate Shot (FIS) is a type of injection that improves overall sexual wellness of a woman. Women who desire to improved their libido, increase the orgasm, and become more sexually aroused. Additionally, FIS can treats stress and urinary incontinence which could occur as a result of childbirth or an overreactive bladder. 

Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) which is derived from the patient's own blood is injected directly into the clitoral areas and the "O" Spot inside the vaginal to achieve vaginal rejuvenation. The growth factors in this PRP stimulates new cells that brings about increased sensitivity to the vaginal as well as help women who suffer from stress and urinary incontinence. Patient is numbed prior to the injection to prevent pain at the injection site, normal sexual activity can be resumed 48hrs post treatment.


What is Male Intimate Shot ?

The Male Intimate Shot (MIS) is the male version of the Female Intimate Shot (FIS) . PRP injected into the penis targeting the specific areas critical in sexual response to increase libido and sexual performance. This shot particularly helps men that are experiencing low sexual performance which may be due to a disease condition such as diabetes or medication side like finasteride, or prostate problems. Just like the FIS, patient will be numbed to prevent pain at injection prior to the procedure. 

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